Meet Myriam, our back-office manager

Do you know Myriam ? Sure you do if you work with ASSERVA : since 2013, she is responsible for the logistic and administrative back-office of the export markets.

Just after the order confirmation, she prepares all the administrative documents, manages the invoicing, and closely monitors the freight, from the ASSERVA factory to the delivery address. She works in collaboration with our salesteam, always keeping in mind the customer satisfaction. And it is quite a job, specially since a year, as the freight industry is also upset by the sanitary situation.

A few words from Myriam : « ASSERVA changed a lot internally and externally, especially since a couple of years. We are constantly opening new abroad markets, which means new challenges in terms of logistics and regulations : it’s really fulfilling. Can’t wait to see where we will be in 5 years ! »



Individual monitoring of animal behavior in their living space The Pig Move is an innovative tool designed to monitor the individual pig movement in their

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