АгроВесна / AgroSpring 2021 fair !

On the french Pavillon, ASSERVA had a booth on the only European exhibition in 1 year. AGRO SPRING exhibition is the event specialized in livestock and field industry in Ukrain. With more than 11 000 visitors and 500 booths, this exhibition was an important time for the Ukrainian livestock business.

Our Export Manager, Valentin Bouvier was present to introduce ASSERVA solution and to meet the farmers. Ukraine starts to take an important part of the European market with important requests for ASSERVA intelligent systems. From 1 year without any event, ASSERVA and our team was really excited to participate at this fair!

Also as part of the АгроВесна / AgroSpring 2021 fair in Kiev, Valentin Bouvier was the guest of MediaHub studio with a short interview.

Thanks for coming and see you next time!


Individual monitoring of animal behavior in their living space The Pig Move is an innovative tool designed to monitor the individual pig movement in their

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